2904 Rodeo Park Drive East, #100 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
505-473-9211 info@wefta.net

100% of your donations go to in-country projects

Thanks to a on-going grant from the Wallace Genetic Foundation, we can apply 100% of individual donations to actual project. So if you want to help other communities in Latin America get clean water, check out our Donate and Projects for Funding pages!

Evolving Role for WEFTA in Urubamba Valley

The Urubamba River Valley Regional Wastewater Initiative represents an evolving role for WEFTA.  WEFTA provides expert technical advice, especially related to water and wastewater treatment, in countries and regions where such expertise is hard to find or non-existent, but funding for implementation and operation comes largely from local, in-country sources. This…

Volunteer Reflects on WEFTA Principles

  Andrew Robertson, PE, an engineer with Souder Miller & Associates in Albuquerque, has been volunteering with WEFTA for more than a decade. He has a special affection for Honduras and has made numerous trips and raised funds for projects there. In April 2015, Andrew and his wife Karen Pereira—also…