2904 Rodeo Park Drive East, #100 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
505-473-9211 info@wefta.net


In 2010, WEFTA partnered with Habitat for Humanity Guatemala to provide latrines to a community of 89 families (approximately 500 individuals) in a remote area of the Quiche department. Habitat Guatemala’s efficient use of the funds donated by WEFTA provided for not only the latrines, but also for a clay water filter and a solar powered lamp for each of the 89 families.

To see water and sanitation facts, please visit: washfunders.org

Guatemala is now the poorest country in Central America, with 50% of the population living below the national poverty level and 15% living in extreme poverty. With 43% of the children under five chronically malnourished, Guatemala ranks as one of the countries with the greatest challenges of child mortality in the hemisphere. In the extremely rural areas such as the western highlands, over 20% of the population lacks adequate sanitation and/or access to clean and safe water supplies.

As part of our joint efforts to combat this sobering statistics, the families dug the latrines pits while Habitat Guatemala, with funding from WEFTA, provided the materials for the latrine pit cover as well as the seats, roofing and vent pipes. The families were also responsible for providing the materials to enclose the latrines. In June 2013, in conjunction with Habitat Guatemala, WEFTA funded and assisted in the construction of dry-vented pit latrines and provision of water filters for 122 families (600 people) in the Caserío Ixcamal community in the district of San Marcos.

Ongoing Efforts

In light of the success of these projects, WEFTA was subsequently invited to to do further assessments and designs for potable water and sanitation projects for multi-family communities and future colonias to be built by Habitat Guatemala.

Trip Reports

Every time one we send a crew on a trip to either help or assess a community, we ask our volunteers to write a trip report that details the trip through their eyes. These documents will give you both a look into what it is like being a volunteer and a different perspective on our efforts to help communities. The photo-based reports redirect you to our Google+ photo albums. For projects more than five years old check out our Archives page.

2013 Ixcamal, San Marcos Final Report from Habitat for Humanity Guatemala – PDF

Click here for a statistical summary (PDF) of our projects in all countries as of 2013.